In 2013, Oliver Emmanuel formed the Shabach Music & Dance Company after several years of professional dancing. Our instructors are experienced dancers who have traveled through the dance world in different states of Nigeria. Our instructors have handled schools like H i l l t o p         I n t e r n a t i o n a l S c h o o l , Bloombreed High School, Celias Montessory Memorial Nursery and Primary School, Starlet             Academy ( some of which are still being handled).

The Company is birthed to train children and teenagers in the world of dance ranging from Hip hop, Ballet, Salsa and Ballroom. It presently comprises of approximately 150 dancers ranging in age from 2 to 18.

Entrance into the company is by termly payments only and selection to the different dance classes is based on talent, sense of commitment and sincere love for each specific dance. Shabach dancers are enrolled in an intensive dance program and these dedicated students are provided with. Choreographic experience and performance exposure.

Students who eventually are members of the Company perform throughout the community in local schools, church programs and festivals. Shabach looks forward to touring France, Paris, South Africa, United Kingdom as well as USA to give its members an international exposure to the world of dance.

Oliver Emmanuel

Head Director